New! AlarmeJT is now equipped with a card on which you can view the large squares worked locator. For the only time the locator contacted are represented. A choice is proposed as buttons to view the squares and strips contacted by mode. Also opportunity to see all the squares of all bands simultaneously. A counter displays the total number of separate square and that of the selected band.

For other changes , a few bugs eradicated , changing the initialization file in order to take into account the management of locators and language files for the same reason. On the side of the results , a new window appeared , she will tell us about the number of QSOs made ​​and confirmed , the number of square locators and DXCC contacted and confirmed by mode and band. The calculation appears in the status bar has been removed. For the cluster, a timer now allows a refresh of the window every minute is a toggle button to activate or deactivate it.

Side code , the corrections made have reduced these memory leaks , so the bug reported on a ' Connection Failure ' the cluster been resolved and an update of data (especially FR) has been performed. Optimizations : creating some unnecessary windows start in run time mode (96). Updating the data base. ( R98 )

Good test to all and thank you for your comments.